Nailor Plenum Slot and Light Troffer Diffusers are designed for an extremely unobtrusive method of air distribution for use in suspended ceiling grid systems, available in many standard sizes.
Model Series 5700
Nailor 5700 Series Plenum Slot Diffusers feature a friction pivoted, adjustable, extruded aluminum pattern controller in each slot. The pattern controller has a gasketed 'wiper blade' design. The direction of the airflow can be adjusted a full 180° from the face of the diffuser. This diffuser is available in 1 1/2", 1", 3/4" and 1/2" slot widths. Suffix 'I' adds internal insulation.
Model Series 5800
Nailor 5800 Series Plenum Slot Diffusers feature an 'ice tong' shaped pattern controller. Adjusting the pattern controllers can change the direction of the airflow a full 180° and the controller can also be used for volume control. Available in 1", 3/4" and 1/2" slot widths, and with a choice of 1, 2, 3 or 4 parallel slots. Suffix 'I' adds internal insulation.
Model Series 5600
Nailor 5600 Series Plenum Slot Diffusers feature a roll-formed curved blade pattern controller in each slot. Aerodynamically designed to produce a fixed horizontal discharge pattern, the controller is pivoted at either end and may be simply rotated with fingers from the face for either a left or right discharge direction. This diffuser is available with a 3/4" slot width, and with a choice of 1, 2, 3 or 4 parallel slots. Suffix 'I' adds internal insulation.
Model Series 59N and 59BS
Model Series 59N include pattern controllers that provide a fixed horizontal discharge that produces a tight blanket of air into the room. Model Series 59BS have pattern controllers that provide an adjustable vertical discharge along the wall or in perimeter applications. Both are available in Supply or Supply/Return models for use in high performance applications.
Nailor offers a wide range of accessories and options for plenum slot diffusers. Inlet dampers, plaster frames, mounting clips, supplementary T-Bars, and cross-notching are available.
Model Series 5400
Nailor's Light Troffer Diffusers are designed to attach easily to standard air handling fluorescent light troffers. They provide an inconspicuous appearance with high engineering performance. Nailor manufactures both a single side or a double side diffuser.