Nailor's complete range of air terminal units engineered to maintain the ideal temperature within specific zones, ensuring maximum comfort for occupants. These zone-level distribution devices accurately regulate airflow, playing a role in managing space temperature.
Model Series 3000 and 3100
Nailor 3000 and 3100 Series Single Duct VAV Terminal Units feature a compact and versatile design that results in a system component which has minimal pressure drop that reduces fan horsepower requirements, and low noise generation for quiet operation. A small footprint makes these units easier to use and install in today‘s crowded mechanical spaces and ceiling plenums.
Model Series 30X and 30HQX
Nailor Single Duct Exhaust Terminal Units are used to modulate exhaust flow from an occupied space in either a constant volume or variable air volume (VAV) HVAC system.
Model Series AT and MOA
Discharge Sound Attenuators for Model Series 3000 and 30X are available with a variety of liners.
Model Series 37S and 37SST
The 37S and 37SST Series Low Profile terminals are designed for shallow ceiling plenum applications and therefore limited to 11" (279) in height. Shallow plenums are common where zoning requirements limit building height. When building height is constrained, building designers will maximize the number of floors by reducing the distance between floors, requiring low profile products like the 37S Series.
Model Series 35S, 35SST and 35SXC
The 35S Series provides many standard design features and superior sound performance when compared with other basic model designs. The 35S offers a compact and economical design well suited to the majority of applications. The 35SST "Stealth™" Series has been especially designed for the most demanding applications where premium quality design and performance characteristics are desired. Utilizing "Stealth™" design technology, this terminal unit has low sound levels that lead the industry. The 35SXC "Super Stealth™" series is designed specifically for Exposed Ceiling (XC) applications.
Model Series 35N and 37N
Nailor 35N and 37N Fan Powered Terminal Units offer a compact and economical design that provides excellent performance in the most demanding variable air volume/intermittent fan applications. The fan is mounted at ninety degrees to the primary airflow to provide optimum mixing.
Model Series AT and IAT
Options include Optional Liners for 'IAQ' Sensitive Applications and Discharge Attenuators
Model Series 3210, 3230, and 3240
Designed for control of hot or neutral and cold air. Variable volume with or without mixing or constant volume applications.
Model Series 33SZ
Model Series 33SZ is a Fan Powered Chilled Water Terminal Unit with Sensible Cooling (DOAS) featuring an ultra-high efficiency ECM, fan motor and EPIC fan volume controller. Both standard height and low profile units are available.
Model Series 3600
Model Series 3600 are ideal for retrofit applications to convert Constant Air Volume Systems to Variable Air Volume.
Model Series 3400
Designed to provide variable air volume supply when used with constant volume fan low pressure packaged air handling systems or roof-top air conditioning units. Excess air is diverted through a bypass opening and into the system return.