
UFAD vs. Displacement
Both Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) and Displacement Air Distribution are well defined in the 2021 ASHRAE Handbook Applications, Chapter 20, Space Air Diffusion. Generally, the idea for UFAD is to have a well-mixed lower level in the occupied space up to about 4.5 feet above the floor. From the…

Product Education
UFAD vs. Displacement
Both Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) and Displacement Air Distribution are well defined in the…

Engineering Bulletins
How Ceilings Affect Room Sound Levels
Area SourceWhen a room has a full ceiling stretching from wall to wall, the ceiling isolates the…

Technical Papers
Fan Powered Terminal Units – Model Series 35SXC Stealth XC
Acoustical Privacy in Exposed Ceiling Applications
Architectural designs with open offices and…

How Ceiling Diffusers are Selected
The ultimate goal of an air distribution system is to uniformly deliver conditioned air into a room…

Fan Coil Units: High Capacity Horizontal
While the in-room horizontal fan coils units may be the highest volume product used in the industry…

Fan Coil Units: In-Room Horizontal
Our previous article highlights the variables to consider when choosing a Horizontal Fan Coil…

Square Ceiling Diffusers: What are the Differences?
When selecting square ceiling diffusers, many of the options available can seem quite similar…

5 Variables to Consider when Choosing a Horizontal Fan Coil
Chilled water fan coils are small air handling units that range from 200-4,000 CFM. Several…

Ventilation Strategies: Chilled Water Fan Powered Terminal Units
The most advanced system for delivering, controlling, and optimizing ventilation air utilizes…

Product Education
Ventilation Strategies: Chilled Beams vs. Chilled Water Fan Powered Terminal Units
A large portion of the energy exerted by an HVAC system comes from conditioning the outside air…

Ventilation Strategies: Controlling Fresh Air
The first goal when designing an HVAC system is occupant comfort. Comfort includes considering…

VAV Systems: How Air Flows Through the Equipment
The purpose of using a Variable Air Volume (VAV) system is to add controllability to a diversity of…