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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Today is National World Safety Day and “Workplace Stress: a collective challenge” is the theme of the campaign. Nailor Industries, Inc. understands the importance of trying to tackle stress in the workplace and has provided multiple stress reducing activities for our employees.  Earlier this year Nailor launched a workplace wellness program, which encourages our employees to live healthier and teaches them how to reduce stress and muscle strain while on the job.  We have implemented an on-the-job stretching routine which takes place at the start of each workday. Stretching together encourages team building while helping to release stress and clear the mind.  

Nailor also offers an on-site fitness center which encourages employees to reduce stress through exercise.  Having an opportunity to work out at your place of employment makes it easier to fit exercise into our employees’ schedules. We believe that employees who are in good health are more productive, happier and have a greater sense of job gratification.